Christopher’s Core Values

Christopher Bauman

These core values form the foundation of our services.


When hiring service providers, most clients expect more than just a minimal level of competence. In fact, clients usually expect an above-average level of competence. As a core value, competence is not something that is turned on when needed, only to be ignored the rest of time. It helps define who you are as a person…and how you serve clients. Competence is a combination of what you learn in formal training programs and the know-how that you develop through the experience of serving clients.


Few if any clients will hire you if they don’t trust you. It really is that simple. Like competence, it is fundamental and helps define you as a person and service provider. Trust is not something you learn. It’s something you are…under all circumstances.


Efficiency is performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. From your clients’ perspective, it is more efficient to hire you to perform some specific work for them than to do it themselves.

Hard work

Regardless of what you are doing for them, clients expect you to work hard. But remember that clients seldom expect hard work simply for its own sake. They expect the results that hard work generates.


In the simplest of terms, quality is what your clients say it is – nothing more, nothing less.

Satisfying clients

If you are not totally committed to satisfying clients, you can expect to work harder at finding new clients than serving repeat and referred clients. Clients whom you have left less than totally satisfied are unlikely to hire you again…nor are they likely to refer prospective clients to you.


As admirable as these qualities are, it is not their noble nature that helps attract new clients. Each value promises significant benefits to clients. It is these promised benefits that make these values so attractive to clients, and important from a marketing perspective. As one of your seven core values, communication allows you to send messages subtly and indirectly without shameless self-promotion. Instead of actively promoting your core values, demonstrate them. Let your seven core values speak for themselves, influencing everything from promoting your services to servicing clients.

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